
👦🏻👦🏻👧🏻 Father of 3 | 🗺️ Service Reliability Engineering Manager at Rakuten Travel | 📚 Avid Reader | 👍 Wagashi | 👍 Caffe Latte | 👍 Owarai


「Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code」感想

"I believe, however, that we can go beyond taste and say that the true test of good code is how easy it is to change it." via Check out this quote from Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code - https://learning.oreilly.com/libra…


スピード!!スピード!!スピード!!ですから読む。 "We hope that as you read this book you discover, as a technologist and technology leader, the essential components to making your organization better—starting with software delivery." via Check…

【感想】Technology Strategy Patterns

適当に予言しておくと2020年に翻訳書が出ると思う。 "The first is to help architects, product managers, and executives at technology companies or in technology organizations who are charged with producing technology strategies." via Check out…


オススメされて読む。 Our focus is at a higher level. We say to ourselves ourselves: “If this project ships after six weeks, we’ll be really happy. We’ll feel our time was well spent.” Then we commit the six weeks and leave the team alone t…

【感想】Practical API Design

"“APIs are like stars; once introduced, they stay with us forever.”" via Check out this quote from Practical API Design - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/practical-api-design/9781430209737/9781430209737_FM_7_Preface.xhtml かっこ…


ISOを調べてたら見つけて買った。 ソフトウェア工学とは「間違いばかりを犯している不完全な人間が、本来は完全であるべきソフトウェアをどのようにすれば開発し、維持することができるのかを追究するもの」であると考えている。 不完全な人間というところが…

【感想】Hire With Your Head

Lou Adlerの本をもう一冊読みたくなったので。 "One thing I did learn was that hiring great talent is the key to a manager’s career progression. I also found out that being a headhunter and helping other managers hire great people was a far m…