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【感想】Technology Strategy Patterns


"The first is to help architects, product managers, and executives at technology companies or in technology organizations who are charged with producing technology strategies."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/preface01.html


"The second aim is to help you in your career. "


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"A hammer doesn’t exist to be a hammer. It’s a tool to construct something else. Technology is one tool with which businesses are constructed, rise, and fall."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/introduction01.html


"I have known many smart people, wonderful technologists, who do not get their ideas heard by upper management. They state what the problems are and where the problems are going to be, write that up, and put it on the wiki—and nothing changes."


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"I’m sorry to repeat an old saw, but it’s true: increasingly, it is impossible to distinguish between business and technology."


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"There are two jobs in the world that people want to do the most while knowing the least about: architect and strategist. "


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"Likewise, the term “architect” didn’t enter popular usage to describe a role in the software field until the late 1990s."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"The product management team states what must be done to solve the problem, and the architect describes how to realize that vision in a system."


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"I hope once you’re done with this book, you’ll have some ideas for how to enable and reveal the three facets of firmitas, utilitas, and venustas in your own work."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"Whereas developers are typically focused on delivering working code for a user story within the next two weeks for one system within their one team, architects are concerned with how technology can fulfill business goals given a long-term outlook across a variety of interrelated systems across many teams."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html

lean architectureにおけるleanとagileの関係に近いかも。

"Here’s my definition of an architect’s work: it comprises the set of strategic and technical models that create a context for position (capabilities), velocity (directedness, ability to adjust), and potential (relations) to harmonize strategic business and technology goals. "


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"Over my 20 years in this field, I’ve come to conclude that there are three primary concerns of the  architect:


Contain entropy.


Specify the nonfunctional requirements.


Determine trade-offs."


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"As we mature, we realize that picking one tool or framework or language or platform is not a matter of personal taste, but rather a choice with broad ramifications for future flexibility, mergers and acquisitions, training, our ability to hire future supporting teams, and our future ability to directly support—or subvert—the business strategy."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"One cannot be successful as an architect without thinking of not only what to do, but how to get it done within an organization, which requires knowing why it should matter to someone who isn’t a technologist."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"The nonfunctional requirements are properties of the system that do not necessarily appear directly to the user. They are typically described as the “-ilities.” The ones I focus on most are scalability, availability, maintainability, manageability, monitorability, extensibility, interoperability, portability, security, and performance."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html



  • 2.1.1 システム化構想の立案プロセス
  • システム化機能の整理とシステム方式の策定
  • 2.3.3 システム方式設計プロセス
  • 2.4.3 ソフトウェア方式設計プロセス

"This document, the architecture definition, serves as the technologist’s answer to the blueprint. It should be structured in four broad categories to include business, application, data, and infrastructure perspectives, and expressed with clarity and decisiveness, using primarily testable statements as valid propositions (which we’ll examine in the next chapter) and math."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"Keeping the design “simple” often defers the interests of flexibility until later, where it becomes very expensive."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"But to ensure that your technology and architecture decisions are truly supportive of the business—that is, give it the best chance to create competitive advantage—they need to be not shopping lists of shiny objects, but squarely strategic."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"Many companies have a Chief Strategy Officer or VP of Corporate Strategy. Strategy season frequently begins in the spring, giving this person and her team a couple of months to prepare a deck to present to the executive leadership team in the late summer. This will be discussed, revised, and eventually approved and used as input for budget season, which begins in the fall and continues until the budget for the following year is approved. We in technology tend to like to see our ideas realized moments after we have them. Being aware of this calendar and corporate planning process will help you plan for adding any big-ticket items to the slate in time for them to receive the necessary attention, support, and budget allocations."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html


"One assertion of this book is that the roles of Chief Architect and Chief Strategist are more blurred, and more aligned, than ever, and that their mutual understanding of each other’s concerns and methods will be an increasingly important driver for winning organizations."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch01.html



"In these cases, you need to ask clarifying questions about the concerns she expects you to address, and the scope of the recommendations she expects, so that you aim at the right level."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/part02.html


"Because there is not unlimited money and time to invest in everything, strategy is about making the right recommendations to minimize organizational damage and positional disadvantage, and maximize advantage, profit, and benefit."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch02.html


"The single most important thing you can do to improve your chances of making a winning technology is to become quite good at making lists."


via Check out this quote from Technology Strategy Patterns - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/technology-strategy-patterns/9781492040866/ch02.html



"This formula is MECE:


Profit = Revenue – Cost"


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