
👦🏻👦🏻👧🏻 Father of 3 | 🗺️ Service Reliability Engineering Manager at Rakuten Travel | 📚 Avid Reader | 👍 Wagashi | 👍 Caffe Latte | 👍 Owarai

【感想】97 Things Every SRE Should Know

"A more reasonable use of error budget data is to determine the focus of your project work. SLO-based approaches to reliability are about providing you with better data to have better discussions and make better decisions. Having a hard mandate about when to ship code probably doesn’t make much sense in many situations, but using this data to help you figure out what your team should be focused on does make a lot of sense! You don’t have to halt your release pipeline to be able to say, “We’ve been unreliable more than we’ve aimed to be—maybe for this next sprint, half the team focuses on fixing that instead of on feature work.”"


via Check out this quote from 97 Things Every SRE Should Know - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/-/9781492081487/ch28.html

error budgetを機能開発するか・機能開発しないかの2択に使うのは乱暴ですという話。それはそうですね。全てのデータは意思決定の精度をあげるためであって、意思決定をなくすためではない。