
👦🏻👦🏻👧🏻 Father of 3 | 🗺️ Service Reliability Engineering Manager at Rakuten Travel | 📚 Avid Reader | 👍 Wagashi | 👍 Caffe Latte | 👍 Owarai

【感想】Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data


なお、前回はOracle RACについて調査していた。いま改めて読んでみると、shared-diskは今風に言えばHDFS/Hadoopだったのではないかと思う。

"SAP HANA is a relational database designed to provide breakthrough performance by combining in-memory technology with a columnar storage option, installed on an optimized hardware configuration. Although SAP do not ship HANA hardware, they do provide detailed guidelines for HANA-certified servers, including a requirement for fast SSD drives."


via Check out this quote from Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/next-generation-databases/9781484213292/9781484213308_Ch07.xhtml

SAP HANAの、ブランドを作ってハードウェアを「認定」するというアプローチは参考になる。組織内にも取り入れられそうな考え方。

"VoltDB transactions are streamlined by being encapsulated into a single Java stored procedure call, rather than being represented by a collection of separate SQL statements. This ensures that transaction durations are minimized (no think-time or network time within transactions) and further reduces locking issues."


via Check out this quote from Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data - https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/-/9781484213292/9781484213308_Ch07.xhtml

VoltDBの全てがstored procedureというアプローチも参考になる。